Becoming a Cyborg

There are millions of cyborgs living among you. Even without artificial intelligence, there have been cyborgs for decades. These are people that have continually upgraded themselves over time to become better human beings. Through personal development, they consciously make decisions to grow. If you decide to upgrade yourself this might look different for you. 


Franky - One Piece - Before and After Cyborg
The inspiration for this post came from an anime called One Piece. Particularly about a character named Franky. Franky was a ship builder that, over time, altered his body due to injuries he received at work. He developed cannon arms, increased his height, and modified pieces of his nose and jaw among other things. Every setback caused him to adapt increasing his self-worth through personal development.

Everyday there are people that choose to upgrade or not. Most people choose to live in fear and remain the same. It's because of the costs associated with taking on increased risk. It puts them in decision fatigue looking at the enormity of it all.

But the ones that choose to change, change their lives.


Bruce Lee - Stumbling Blocks
Life has made predetermined choices for you. Genetic code was formed and shaped within your mother's womb. Being born, you were pre-fitted with specific attributes and traits.

Only 1% of the world's population was gifted with the genetic lottery or wealthy upbringing. Most people had to perform at a high level despite the odds.

They looked at life with a glass half full mentality. Instead, leveraging their strengths, not focusing on their weaknesses.


Bruce Lee - Knowledge
With the mentality of never giving up, they acquire the skills needed to accomplish their goals.

Entrenched in war, they lose many battles. But over time they begin to win. 

Brooding over the painful battle scars they receive, they ask: "despite these setbacks, what can I do to become successful?"

Driven to acquire the knowledge for what they lack; they leverage only their strongest attributes to cover their weaknesses.

Only losers dwell on their weaknesses. The greats leverage their strengths to eclipse them. 


Bruce Lee - Looksmaxxing
Only 1% of the population were genetically coded to be aesthetic specimens. But the cyborg persists to become the best version of themselves. Through this development, they become better human beings.

They die to their ego since comparing themselves to others serves no purpose other than belittling themselves. Instead, they look at where they were before while consistently bettering themselves over time. Rather than focusing on what others are doing, they focus on becoming unique.

They find the best hairstyle for their facial structure, develop a skincare routine that works, and biohack their DNA to surpass genetic limitations.

The more they fail, the better they get. Gradually, they have fewer failures and more successes

Personal Branding

Bruce Lee - Ego Death
Through these trials and tribulations, they become better human beings. They have adapted to public ridicule, dying to their ego every day.

Being thick skinned despite the failures and learning from them reaped dividends. Slowly accumulating upgrades here and there was the key to their personal brand today. They are never content with where they are at, but they have a peace in knowing that the only competition they have is with themselves.

How they are perceived is a result of the changes they made to level up their lives. Focusing on their strengths promoted them.

Read on Substack: Be Water like Bruce Lee

Substack: Absorb, Discard, Add Uniquely like Bruce Lee
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Alex Sung

At an early age Alex knew he was different from most kids. He had D's and F's in early education and even had undiagnosed selective mutism alongside other mental health hurdles.

Despite these challenging experiences, he persevered and was able to "Tigerhack" his way to success. He created the Tiger Dojo to help everyone uncover these secrets.


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